Its funny how I can be surrounded by people at a party, but still be sitting by myself. I know I do this to myself.
Saturday, March 26, 2011
Wednesday, March 23, 2011
Dear Crush
There was no real good way to talk to you that evening. Not at that venue, not with that crowd, not at that event. Maybe we'll see each other again, and I can talk to you then. But more than likely you'll aways be the mutual friend on Facebook I never contact, because even though the connection distance is short, the reason is far too tenuous.
Anyway, I like the way you tied your hair that day. And I love your cheekbones and tattoos.
Monday, March 21, 2011
My wishlist
1. Smart
2. Tattooed
3. Hipper than I could ever hope to be.
4. Strong jaw line
5. Able to stare laser beams through me
6. Inspires me to be a hunter/gatherer.
7. Makes me want to be mature
8. Petite
9. Sarcastic
10. Someone for whom I would cross oceans, or kill men for. Ok, kidding, sort of.
Life Assessment Time
I am kind of dissatisfied with work. Things aren't going the way I want them too. I wonder if this is because the corporate structure has changed here. I think that's a big part of it. I'm looking for other opportunities, and but part of me just thinks I need to wait until things kind of smooth out over here, and I'll be where I want to be shortly. But, better to look for a job, whilst you have a job.
This is always an up and down for me. I definitely feel like I might be too old to do certain things anymore. Like fight. So, maybe this year, I look for more activites that invovled getting punched, kicked or choked so much.
I really hate this part of my life. I just do. Its always a pain. Or causes pain. Just pain? Let's just say this is sometihng I can't make up my mind on and in many ways, I still feel like a stupid 13 year old.
I had been thinking about what I wrote earlier about loving the idea of a girl instead of the girl herself.
I dunno how much more I can expound on that. I guess since I'm a month away from being 35, it is something I do think about a bit. I guess I can either do something about it or just let it go.
Guess I should do something about it.
How annoying.
Sunday, March 20, 2011
Great ideas. Bad execution.
So, I've come to the realization that I love the idea of the women, but might not love the woman herself. The realities of who that woman is, and who I am, often clash badly.
To me, the idea of a tattooed, video game loving, liberal, intelligent Korean woman is the ultimate. That is my ideal. However, there are so many issues with that. Namely, where do I even meet a girl like that? And one an age that I can appropriately date?
Second, I'm a pretty square guy. Not too creative, work a corporate job, not really knowledgeable about what's cool. In fact, I'm essentially a bro without the ignorance or Affliction shirt. I love football, learning how to fight people, red meat and Jackass. If I'm anything, its closet emo.
This is why I'll be single. I love what I can't have.
Thursday, March 10, 2011
It's D&D!
It was nice, not near as nerdy as I expected and not full of people who smelled like cheese and sweat. There were alot of hipsters, well at least at my table. I don't know that they were hipsters, but they certainly looked the part.
Tired and too much work today, I'll update more tonight.
But, I play a paladin, named Sasha the Grey.
Monday, March 7, 2011
Oh jiujitsu.
I had serious qualms about choking this lady out. I weighed a hundred pounds more, and she was my mother's age. It felt awkward and horrible to squeeze her until she couldn't breathe or maintain consciousness.
She, however felt no guilt in doing the same to me.
Jiujitsu isn't about size or strength, its about leverage. And a woman pushing 60, can tap out a 250 lbs man easily. As I can attest to. Yes, an AARP member gave me these Chris Brown choke marks on my neck.
Android blog!
So, time to see how this will work. All blogging done from the phone. Kinda weird, but it may work super. We'll see
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
Been a bit.