Monday, March 21, 2011

Life Assessment Time

I'll be 35 soon. Which actually, now that I think about it, is kind of scary. I'm not sure why its scary per se, it just is. I don't feel like I've missed out on something, I'm happy where I am. I wonder if I feel like I should have done something more by now? Or have I just been ok...existing? i can't think of any regrets off the top of my head. Which isn't to say I haven't made any mistakes I'd like do overs on, but nothing I truly regret. Anyway, lets figure out what's going on here.


I am kind of dissatisfied with work. Things aren't going the way I want them too. I wonder if this is because the corporate structure has changed here. I think that's a big part of it. I'm looking for other opportunities, and but part of me just thinks I need to wait until things kind of smooth out over here, and I'll be where I want to be shortly. But, better to look for a job, whilst you have a job.


This is always an up and down for me. I definitely feel like I might be too old to do certain things anymore. Like fight. So, maybe this year, I look for more activites that invovled getting punched, kicked or choked so much.


I really hate this part of my life. I just do. Its always a pain. Or causes pain. Just pain? Let's just say this is sometihng I can't make up my mind on and in many ways, I still feel like a stupid 13 year old.

1 comment:

  1. I read through your blog. Let's see....

    Approximately a billion people are malnourished around the world, many of them children. Even in America, there are one million homeless, as well as several times more who have lost their jobs and/or their life savings because of the recession, yet you have a college degree, solid employment (and you got a bonus check!), and your favorite food isn't something fished out of a dumpster.

    While the "more fortunate" are worrying about whether their meager paycheck will be enough to get themselves and their families through the month, while countless are dying of treatable ailments because they lack sufficient health care, while people have literally started riots in the Middle East because they can't afford bread, you angst about politics, bad weather, and relationships. Also, you sound kind of creepy.

    Hundreds of thousands in the US alone are amputees, either through misfortune of birth or accident, robbed of physical freedom for the rest of their lives, and you worry about whether your joints may be too stiff for you to practice martial arts.

    Even the very water you drink is clear and free of flesh-consuming parasites; others aren't so lucky. You casually mention owning electronics which would literally take decades of work to buy in some countries, but you are complaining about how dissatisfying your job is. Many in impoverished countries cheat, steal, and even kill for the sake of surviving another day while you vaguely contemplate suicide.

    Hope this helps!
